Put to the Test in Sandoval Rodriguez Case
American Association of Jurists, Chilean Branch
Human Rights Attorneys
Santiago, Chile May 19, 2004
We call on the associations of families of victims of human
rights violations in Chile, human rights attorneys, university
student federations, professional guilds, unions, congresspeople,
political parties and the general public to express your concern
for the decision that the Supreme Court of Chile must adopt
on May 28, 2004. We urge you to gather outside the Court building
on Compañía Street, (corner with Bandera Street) as of 9 AM
on that day. The hearing scheduled to take place that day
may be decisive for the future of human rights cases in Chile.
For the first time after many years, the high court must rule
on the Decree Law 2191, known as the Amnesty Law that creates
a self-pardon for all who participated as authors, accomplices
and those who concealed crimes committed between September
11 1973 and March 10, 1978.
On January 5, 2004 the Fifth Chamber of the Court of Appeals
upheld the sentence issued for the former heads of the DINA
in the abduction and forced disappearance of Miguel Angel
Sandoval Rodriguez. The defendants subsequently filed a motion
for dismissal, which normally would be heard by the Criminal
Law Chamber. However, in this case, the proceeding will be
conducted by the Full Session of the Supreme Court.
We extend this call to international organizations such as
the International Federation of Human Rights, the Inter American
Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International, Justicia y
Paz of Rome, Italy; the National Lawyers Guild, the Center
for Constitutional Rights, the International Committee of
Jurists, and all other organizations that fight against impunity
in the human rights violations committed in Chile during the
military dictatorship between 1973 and 1990 to be present
as international observer at this important judicial proceeding.
Your presence and your voice can make the difference in changing
"No to Impunity" to Yes to Truth, Justice and Reparations"
for victims.
more information, see
Analysis of Ruling in Miguel Angel
Sandoval RodriguezCase
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